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10 noviembre 2010

Día 37: Book

I´m not into reading books, I am into reading books online, I don´t know, I read hundreds of blog posts every week that I don´t remmember all of them, thanks to Google Reader I know I read hundreds or at least I check'em out.

But today I remembered a book a teacher gave me when I was in the USA, and I really didn´t finished the whole book, even though I read quite a bit, so today I looked at the book and I read a few pages, and I decided I´m going to read it again (all of it) and then I could make a little review here on the blog.

I hope this time I finish the book! I first got a lot to read (on line) and also lots of articles on Sociology and also History of Central America. But hey, its a good break to read something you don´t have to read it, so I hope I like it :)

Thank you so much for the book McCormick! :)

PS: Im very glad I have received more than 200 views on the stop motion animation I made!!!

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2 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

De que es el libro? Léalo! jeje no hay nada mejor que la sensación de terminar de leer un libro! =)

Besos! Y felicidades x las tantas vistas en el stop!! Se lo merece!! =)

Pablo Vargas dijo...

Buenísimo. Yo si me considero fan del libro escrito y publicado en papel, y concuerdo con Mary, hay un efecto espectacular en terminar de leer un libro que es difícil de explicar...

Felicidades por el vídeo, la verdad como te dije, me parece una trabajo de alta calidad. Cuídate bro, nos seguimos leyendo!

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